Hi there all!
Basic Drawing is going great! I got an A on the last project and its currently being displayed in the front office :) Oh yeah. haha
We're working on a new project and its a collection real objects together. The objects that I chose are a collection of a Pepsi cup, some MnM's, and a big Plastic MnM guy in a chair-Looking something like THAT
I'll make sure to snap a picture for next week.
I animated a bit in Maya this weekend:
I think it turned out O.K.
I looked at my older CG stuff that I've gotten a lot better. I mean my first tests in maya were very.... Interesting.
So anyways I decided that eventually I'll gather up my older 3D stuff and make a progress reel for all my CG stuff. I'll start doing that stuff little by little, expect it coming soon.
I recently started drawing some people faces:
Thanks for reading!