As you may know, school has started for me. I'm taking Basic Drawing and right now we're on our first assignment. We're drawing basic figures and working on shading. I've honestly never worked a lot on shading so I'm just starting but here's what I got so far
Started 9th grade today, so unfortunately "Daily Updates" are done for now. But! I will still update frequently, thanks to everyone who's been following the blog and I hope to talk to you soon!
As my final 2 days of summer are winding down which sucks... I have caught a cold and a stomach ache. Nothing says 'Happy End of Summer' like being sick.
I did manage to draw a raccoon while watching 'Over the Hedge'
Yep well, 3 days left of summer. Not sure if I'll continue these, depending how busy I am when it starts. I'm hoping I can draw or animate a little bit every day and post them.
It's been a great summer, I think I've improved a lot, not only animation wise but drawing too.
I'm happy with this summer, I've improved at everything and even tried modeling! Speaking of modeling, here's a robot and a whale I tried modeling lol, you can tell I'm a beginner and I have a long way to go
Also, I made an animatic for the 11SC! I don't know if I should continue but here it is. It's rough but I like the poses
I'm finally back from Disney World! It was a great trip.
I know I originally said I was going to make a real long blog post about everything I did but I figured that was boring to read so I've decided I am going to make a video collage of all the stuff I filmed. Its going to be very cool :D
Bad news, I was super pumped to blog daily while I was at Disney World, but unfortunately, the wifi works on and off so I've decided to call it off. On the way home, I'll write one big ole blog about my trip on the plane.
I am tweeting every hour AT LEAST, sometimes even lots in 1min... Follow me and get up2date:
I know I haven't blogged in a few days, my cousins were down for the week so we were super busy with that, but good news...
Yup, you heard correctly! The demo reel is finally out, here it is!
YAY! after a month of work, it's finally out!
Right now, I'm going to go to disney world... So check out my twitter, it'll be the only time where I tweet like every time something happens that isn't related to my animations. I'm very excited
Not a big update today.. I worked on my demo reel cover and drew a little gesture in the car but it was such a nice day weather wise and we had family down so I spent a lot of time outside, enjoying my last days of summer.. AHHHHH
I complied all my demo reel animations so they're ready to go into the reel!
I also added arms to the surf sesh animation so that's completed! Yay!
Disney World in less than 5 days, Reel released in 4 days or less. Everything is going great!
Except that school starts 15 days............. I'm not sure if I'll continue these daily updates but not to worry, there's still 15 more daily updates :D
Here are the poses I worked on today! I did some drawing but I'll post those tomorrow
These are defiantly going into the reel! Unless I messed something up, in that case, please someone contact me and tell me!
Who here doesn't love Disney Music? Sherman Brothers, Alan Menkan, Michael Giacchino, the list goes on, Disney has some of the best music of all time in their movies.
Who doesn't love a good ol' banjo strumming? You can't be said when your listening to some good up tempo banjo picking. If you do get sad by hearing banjo music... You need to get to a doctor!
So Disney Music.. Plus Banjo?
Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce,
The Notorious Banjo Brothers and Bob in Disney World
Just thought I'd post this. Great music, not the best quality but still, great great great music.
Have a good day everyone and I will talk to you tomorrow!